Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Some Facts about Utah

Two Mormon candidate for President.....Mitt Romney is proud of being a Mormon. John Huntsman is proud of his state of Utah.

Suicides, Mental Health, Drug Overdose, Domestic Violence, Rape,
Child Sexual Abuse, Public Schools, Prisons, and Divorce.
The website at the bottom gives more of the dates in the complete article.
In 2009, the highest pornography use was in Utah with more online porn subscriptions than anywhere else in the United States.
Compare the 6,816 fatalities in Afghanistan and Iraq with this little six-state region of roughly three times the number of suicides than both wars combined.
Utah Suicides: 302 a year. 60% of Utah males between 15-34 who commit suicide are Mormon. On average, someone took their life every 17.22 hours.
29 kids under 20 committed suicide in 2009, one every 12 days.
There were 1,336 suicides in Utah from 2008-2010.
From 2008-2009 there was a 12.7% increase of suicides.
Suicides in Utah for 2010 are 15% above the last year’s rate.
There were more suicides in Utah from 2007 to 2009 than AIDS, hypertension, homicides and birth defects – combined; 936 versus 1,195.
There were 35% more suicides than deadly car wrecks in Utah from 2006-2010; 2,061 suicides compared to 1,341 fatal car wrecks.
Utah Compared to the U.S.
In the U.S. suicides in 2008, 11.6 per 100,000.
In Utah, 15.0 per 100,000. And for 2009, 17.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America with suicide at 11th place. Suicide was the 7th cause of death in 2009 in Utah and 8th in 2008. Suicide from 15-34 is well above the national average and this has been the case for decades.

Utah received grade “D” in the Mental Health. About 25% of the population in Utah has a depression or anxiety disorder. More than 17% of the females take antidepressants. And the Mormon Church is seeing every problem in the wards that they see in the mental health clinics. The population of Mormons in Utah is 1,691,200 = 60.4%
Along with a high percentage of the population on antidepressants, Utah holds this title. The number who died from a prescription drug overdose in 2008 was 277 and in 2009 it rose to 310, not including the suicide numbers.

Utah, along with the Appalachian and Southwest states led the nation in having the highest death rates from drug overdoses. Utah experienced a 400% increase in prescription drug deaths since 2000, the number one cause of injury deaths in Utah, killing more people each year than car crashes.

In 2006 Utah had the highest rate in America for nonmedical use of pain killers.
Since 2000, 40% of all adult homicides have been domestic violence related. Out of the 48 homicides that took place in Utah for 2010, 19 were related to domestic violence. From 2004-2010 there were 360 homicides in Utah, 47.5% domestic violence related.
One third of Utah inmates are sex offenders, the highest percentage in the nation. There was one rape every 9.47 hours in Utah for 2009. Utah’s rape rate is above the national average, so no wonder Utah leads the nation in having more sexual predators in prison than the rest of the nation. Societies where males have to dominate women have high rape rates.
In 2008-2010, 14,566 child sexual abuse cases were investigated. 2009 had 2,652 counts of forcible sex offenses and 250 counts of non-forcible sex offenses.

Nearly 1 in 3 women report a sexual assault during their lifetimes, but less than 12% are reported to the police. The national rate is 1 out of every 6 women raped during their lifetime. It is more dangerous for women in Utah than those outside.

In 2009, teacher sexual misconduct was the number one reason for being forced to give up their licenses. Since 1992, 313 teacher license revocations; 208 for sexual misconduct. Since 2001 there have been 73 instances of a teacher having sexual activity with a student.
Utah spends more money on prisoners than students and ranks at the very bottom of student expenditure in the nation.
Are Mormon Marriages & Families are Forever? Utah’s natural increase in the population was 3 times higher than the nation’s average, being married more often and the divorce rate was higher.
19.2 births in Utah per 1,000
13.5 births in U.S. per 1,000
8.2 marriages in Utah per 1,000
6.8 marriages in U.S. per 1,000
3.6 divorces in Utah per 1,000
3.4 divorces in U.S. per 1,000
This full article is available online at:
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